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Duck: Colleen Simms

Design Editor | Fall 2015-Spring 2016

The Daily Orange. Where do I begin? No amount of words could convey how thankful I am to have met everyone I did working here. The D.O. is such a special place. It is full of dedicated, talented people, who kill themselves daily to meet a deadline. The craziest part? Everyone does it willingly, semester after semester. It has that effect on you, and I cannot tell you how sad I am to be leaving. It was an honor to have worked at The D.O. for (almost) two semesters, and although I will probably do a terrible job expressing my thanks to all of you, I am going to try. Here it goes …

Mara and Chloe: I am constantly in awe of you both. You are absolutely amazing, and I have no idea how you do everything you do. Even though I am not going to Copenhagen, I will forever stay a part of the Dopenhagen group text, and I can’t wait for the fall and all of our European adventures!

Justin: You are incredibly talented, and you always inspire me to do a better job. I will never be able to hear the phrases, “go team” or “let’s have some fun” without picturing you in my head, and oddly enough I am grateful for that.

Brett: I just think you are wonderful. I’m not sure how else to put it.

Jacob: You are pretty much the reason I joined The D.O. Somehow you even convinced me to write a story. It was 200 words short but hey, who’s counting? You are an amazing human and I am so happy you converted me into the news-loving lady that I am today.

Lucy and Emma: You two are just little designer prodigies. I had the honor of training Lucy, and both nights I felt terrible because you already knew way more than I did. You two killed it the minute you came in, and I cannot wait to see how The D.O. grows with you both at the forefront of the design.

Kiran: My darling little designer twin. I will never forget the first night I trained you and part of SU ended up going into lockdown. You are one of the cutest humans I have ever known, and I am going to miss your adorable smiling face. Congrats on being the next D.O. web designer, I know you are going to do an amazing job!

Matt: I have never met someone as talented at hacking people’s Slack channels. Sadly we only got to design together for one semester, but I am glad that we did. Thanks for being the one dude in the design crew.

Estella: You are the greatest. Honestly I could just leave it there, but I am not going to. I remember how nervous you were when you first started, and I never understood why because you are such a fantastic designer. You always know how to make me laugh (especially on the days I fail really important tests). I am going to miss your awesomeness.

News: We have been through some really great times together. For some reason I was always in your section for breaking news, and it was an honor. Rachel and Sara, thank you for letting me nerd out and talk about Lord of the Rings. Alexa, you have incredible music taste that really brings me back to my middle school years. News would not have been the same without all of you.

Sports: To say the least, working in sports was always entertaining. Even though you are all goofballs you work incredibly hard and I loved being in your crazy atmosphere. My ears still hurt when I think the word “stretch.” Schwed, I know you are going to do an amazing job as sports editor next semester. Never forget the predications Kiran and I made about your future life.

Pulp: Your pages were always super fun to design, but the Pulp crew was really what made this section the one to be in. From Rachel’s gleaming smile and grandmotherly ways to Archie’s crazy stories, I loved working with every one of you and I am going to miss you all.

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