Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Anna Merod

Sydney March | Staff Illustrator

Asst. News Editor | Fall 2014; Asst. Web Editor | Spring 2017

Jess: You really shaped who I’ve become as a writer. I had only been a staff writer for a year and had NO idea what I was getting into, but I’m so glad you offered me an assistant position when I applied for copy. You taught me to question the hell out of everything put in front of me and how to write stronger ledes. You really believed in my reporting and helped me fall in love with journalism. Thank you for making my voice feel heard and for the incredible mentorship you provided me during our short time working together.

Justin: Bruh, where do I begin? It felt like it was just yesterday we were sitting in the newsroom as assistants talking about how you listen to MLK speeches in your free time. I’m so grateful to have worked with you and seen how much you’ve blossomed as a reporter and a valuable leader of this paper. You’ve always inspired me to push myself harder as a journalist. Thank you so much for welcoming me back in the house two years later. Your encouragement this semester has meant a lot. Go team.

Lydia: It’s funny because we never worked in house together, yet we really bonded over those shared experiences at The D.O. when we were just beginning to figure out what we wanted to do with our lives. Without The D.O., I really don’t know if we would have grown so close. I’m so grateful for your friendship and where it’s taken me, including New York City. Thank you for listening to my never-ending rants and for always being down to explore and making me fall in love with hiking. You’ve been one of my closest friends in college and have really made it an amazing time. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you (and Taters), but FaceTiming every once in a while might help me cope.

Ellen: Thank you for being such a valuable friend and colleague since day one. I know your time at The D.O. was very brief and that it wasn’t the best time for you either. But I’m glad it still brought us together. You really helped me pull through my semester as an assistant, and your advice from job applications to stories has always been a lifesaver. I’m so proud to have watched you grow despite the many draining obstacles in your way, and you’ve always inspired me to reach higher and value myself more than I already do. I can’t wait to cheer you on as you continue to trail blaze your way to the top.

Rachel: Thanks for reintegrating me into The D.O. house culture and for embracing me into web. You always took my ideas and pitches to heart and helped me feel more comfortable to think outside the box this semester. I’ll miss spilling the latest tea with you and listening to your rants about reality shows. And maybe my most unproductive nights were when we both worked in the web room at the same time, but I have #noragrets. Some days I’d walk into the house feeling like sh*t, and leave feeling completely uplifted from our conversations even if it was only about meaningless, silly stuff. I hope you have a great time in San Francisco and make the most of your senior year. Hopefully we’ll cross paths sooner than later, and who knows maybe even launch an investigation podcast series into who “daddy” is.

Satoshi: I’m glad we got to know each other this semester. Never forget to take care of yourself first, both physically and mentally. You’ve worked your ass off so much these past three years. I hope at some point you can give yourself a little break, to enjoy your last moments at The D.O. and SU. Wherever you end up, I know you’ll be one of the best, and I look forward to watching the next “Spotlight” sequel featuring you. 😉

Mom and Dad: Let’s be real. Y’all watched me trench through hell at times these past four years, but I’m coming out strong with a degree and so many amazing lessons in hand because of you both. Mom, thank you for finding SU and encouraging me to apply. No one knows me better than you, even though we know I hate to admit it. Thank you for reading every story I’ve ever written. Dad, thanks for taking care of me and working hard every day to make my college graduation day possible. I know you both sacrificed a lot for me to be here and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough. I’ll always love you both the mostest.

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