Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Emma Folts

Asst. News Copy Editor | Spring 2019; Asst. News Editor | Fall 2019; News Editor | Spring 2020; Managing Editor | Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor

I don’t know how to say goodbye to something I love so much. The Daily Orange has become my home, and I’ve found the best friends I’ve ever known here.

Thank you, and I love you: 

Colleen: You were such a mentor to me when I was one of your city beat writers, and you made me feel included here before I even began working in-house. Thank you for encouraging me to apply for my first position at the paper and for always being there for me. I’m sending a big hug all the way to Texas.

Kennedy: It was so good to see you when you stopped by 230 Euclid Ave. back in early 2020. I’ve missed spending time with you, and I hope we can again someday very soon. Thank you for welcoming me into The D.O. and for always cheering me on with lots of heart emojis and exclamation points.

Jordan Muller: I remember seeing you and a few other D.O. reporters at a Newhouse event for incoming freshmen, and you told me then that there was a place for me at the paper — that meant the world to me. Thank you for helping me get involved.

Sam: I really admire the work you do, and I’ve always appreciated you being around to answer my reporting questions and for taking an interest in the projects I’m working on. I hope all your #recordsfights are going well.

Kevin: I can’t help but smile every time I hear Natasha Bedingfield’s “Unwritten,” and that’s because I think of you whenever I listen to it. Your kindness and warmth are so special, and I’m lucky to have such a wonderful friend in my life. Thank you for helping The D.O. tell stories in engaging, more accessible ways. I can’t wait to see all you do after graduation — today is where your book begins, after all.

Amy: You are truly one of the sweetest people I know, and whether feature editor or co-digital editor, you are exceptional at everything you do. I’m so thankful I’ve been able to get to know and work alongside you.

Talia: Your designs are incredibly beautiful, but even more so is your heart. Thank you for always being so kind.

Diana: You are so spectacular. Thank you for knowing how to make me and everyone around you laugh.

Corey and Billman: I’ve missed seeing you both in house, but I’m really glad you got to stop by this year. You two are amazing photographers and even better people.

Dabbundo: I’ve missed your “goodnight News,” and the way we’d joke around before you’d leave The D.O. for the night, but I’ve always loved hearing from you in the semesters since you ducked. You’re a fantastic writer, and I’ve really enjoyed reading your work this year. Also, thank you for editing the only sports story I will likely write (if you don’t remember it, that’s for the best).  

Aro: You’re so easy to talk to, and I’ve missed chatting with you in I hope you’re doing well, and I hope we can chat soon. 

Danny: Our friendship was unexpected, but I’m thankful for it. You’re a talented journalist, and I know you’ll go far. 

Mira: Though we never got to face off in D.O. football, I’m glad I got to know you this year. “Biquoring” will forever make me laugh.

Louis: You’re going to do an amazing job leading the Culture section in the fall, and I can’t wait to see it. Thank you for being so sweet.

Lizzie and Moriah: You both have brought the podcast section to new heights, and you should be very proud. I wish we could have spent more time together in-house this year, but I loved seeing you every Thursday (and by the way, thank you for tolerating those very lengthy headeds Zooms).

Roshan and Crane: There was so much uncertainty this year about what sports would look like during the pandemic, and you handled it all so well. You both are talented writers and such kind people. Thank you for always tolerating the nonsense of Casey and me.

Katie and Shannon: Whether print or digital, you both are gifted designers, and working with you this year has been so special. Thank you for presenting stories in beautiful ways and for being so great to work with.

Jewél: Having the opportunity to work with you this fall was a real gift. Your skills as a journalist are unparalleled, and I’ve loved seeing you shine in El Paso. I hope our paths cross again soon — I’d be so honored to do investigative work with you in the future.

Ghael: We were only in-house together for one semester, but that’s OK, because we became fast friends anyway. You’re such a lovely person. Meeting to record an interview for The D.O. Podcast was always so nice, and that’s mostly because I just got to see you. You’ve already achieved so much during your time in Syracuse, and I know it’s just the beginning for you. 

Haley and Leffert: You two set a perfect example when you were in management, and I’m so thankful I could learn from you. Haley, your love for The D.O. is inspiring, and the paper wouldn’t be where it is today without all your efforts to ensure the staff and their work are supported. Thank you for popping in often to chat in management. I’d love nothing more than another night at the theater with you and Kevin. Leffert, thank you for doing A reads on my first stories and for teaching me how to do final reads on others’. Your trust in me meant so much. Beary says hello.

Emily and Mandy: I could not be more excited to watch in awe at where you take The D.O. as its next editor-in-chief and managing editor. Emily, you’re so sharp and curious — and you’re more than ready for this role. Mandy, you lead with gentleness and care, and that will serve the paper well. I love you both, and I’ll always be here if you ever need anything at all.

Skyler: You’re so caring, and you’re truly going to elevate the Sports section next semester. You already have everything it takes to do beyond well, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the incredible things I know you’ll achieve (all while being so stylish).

Sydney: I was so impressed with you and your reporting ability when we did our first reads together in fall 2019, and that hasn’t changed in the three semesters we’ve shared since. You’re such a joy to be around. I’d love to grab Panera with you sometime, though perhaps not that much Panera.

Nabeeha: You’re a beautiful artist, and your illustrations constantly amaze me. I’ve missed driving home with you and Casey and laughing in Visuals while wrapping up pages. Thank you for being such a sweet friend. 

Abby Weiss: It’s been so incredible to see you grow and excel at everything you take on, including News, Culture and now Digital. I know you’ll accomplish such spectacular things as digital managing editor.

Cori: I wish management wasn’t so far away from the Op room, but let’s be honest — we would not get any work done if it was. I love that it’s impossible for you, Casey and I to be in the same room without cracking up, and talking with you brightens my day. Thank you for being such a great friend, as well as for making Op a place for everyone’s voice to be heard.

Maggie, Marnie, Sarah, Chis, Sessa and Richard J Chang: Even though our semester as a staff was cut short, I’ve cherished every minute I’ve been able to spend with you. I love you all so much.

Maggie: You put your heart into everything, from the way you write to the way you decorate the newsroom. The stories you’ve reported on during your time at The D.O. have been so moving. We’re all better journalists having worked with you. 

Marnie: Your sense of compassion is one of my favorite things about you, and it’s part of what makes you such a gifted journalist, too. The podcast team was so lucky to have you this semester.   

Sarah: *Hug* You are so sweet, and I’m so happy we got to spend three semesters in-house together. Thank you for putting such care into all your stories and for being so kind. 

Chis: You did so well as news editor in what was undoubtedly one of the most challenging news cycles in recent semesters, and I’m so proud of you. “Objection!” was perhaps my favorite tweet pitch of yours, but nothing will ever beat that “SU Abroad” headline. 

Sessa: We’ve always gotten along so well, and I have so much respect for you and how you’ve led the News section this semester. You’re so intelligent, and you never fail to make me laugh with your witty and dry sense of humor. I’d love to sit around and talk investigative journalism with you, and I know you’re going to do great things as enterprise editor. Beary says hello to you, too.

Casey, India, Gabe, Nat, Richard, Gillian and KJ: The fall 2019 news staff (with honorary member KJ) was and will forever be a family. I love you with all my heart, and I’ve missed being with you all, laughing with you all, in the cozy newsroom of 744.

Gillian: Getting coffee and catching up with you this spring was wonderful, and reading your bylines in News is something I always look forward to. Our friendship means so much to me, and on the next sunny day in Syracuse, let’s have our picnic.

Richard: You’re going to be an amazing news editor; I just know it. I’m beyond lucky to call you my friend — and yes, I absolutely remember testing homes for lead paint with you! It’s one of my favorite memories here. I loved sharing that Saturday, and the many hours at The D.O. that followed, with you.

Gabe: Becoming better friends with you was one of the highlights of the fall 2019 semester. You’re a phenomenal storyteller, and I love reading everything you write. Thank you for taking on enterprise editor this year, and let me know if you ever want to make a cover of “Have You Ever Seen the Rain.”

India: Every time I think of you, my heart becomes so full. You are incredibly kind, and your presence in the newsroom was such a comforting one. I’d love to go to Heid’s again, and I’d really love to see all your goats and puppies — but spending any time with you at all would make my day.   

KJ: Unfortunately? Terminated. I’ve always wanted to get to know you better, and I’m so happy I could this semester. You know how to make everyone feel welcome, and you’re so knowledgeable about reporting, editing and all things digital. Thank you for always making me laugh. I’m going to miss you a lot.

Nat: I wish I could walk over to 500 Clarendon and spend hours laughing with you on your couch once again. Though we live on opposite coasts now, we’ve become even closer friends in the past year — and I love our FaceTime calls just as much as I loved our coffee dates as copy editors. You’re so supportive and thoughtful, and you’re an extremely talented reporter, too. I’m beyond proud of and happy to see all you’re doing out in Los Angeles. Thank you for always reaching out to ask how I’m doing and for being just a call away at the end of a long week. I love you, and I can’t wait until we have our apartment in the big city. 

Casey: I love you very much. I love talking about anything and everything with you, laughing in your car after production, walking with you to get coffee — and all along the way, putting together a paper with you. We truly understand each other, and I’ve learned so much from you throughout my time here. You made me feel so supported in my work when I was one of your assistants and in everything I’ve done since. We came into this year with a shared vision for The D.O., and seeing it through with you — through the late nights, hours-long conversations and spontaneous Popeyes trips —  has been so rewarding. You should be proud of all you’ve accomplished in your eight semesters at The D.O., eight semesters filled with such care for and commitment to this institution. I’m not yet sure what I’ll do when I don’t see you every day. Our friendship is the best thing The D.O. has given me.

Mom and Dad: I couldn’t have done any of this without you and your unwavering support. Thank you for believing in me when I don’t believe in myself and for always being there for me. I love you so much.

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