Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Anya Wijeweera

Asst. photo editor | Spring 2021; Photo editor | Fall 2021

Illustration by Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration editor

This was the first place where I felt like I belonged at SU. This was the first place that I could do what I loved and make it something meaningful. Thank you for making The Daily Orange house a home. I love you all.

Abby W. and Mandy: You both have been doing such an amazing job in management. Abby, you are always working so hard and what you produce is always impressive. Thank you for being so patient with me, especially while making basketball guide LOL. Mandy, you are one of the sweetest people and I admire all the work you’ve put into this paper.

Louis: You are such a creative and talented writer and I loved working with you this semester. However, your taste in coffee could use some work. I still don’t like Recess.

Skyler: First female sports editor in forever!! You absolutely killed it in Sports and you managed to do it all when you weren’t even on campus. You’re so talented and I am super excited to see where you go after college because I know whatever you do is going to be absolutely amazing.

Richard: You are an incredible writer and I admire how you put everything you have into this paper. I am so glad I got to work with you this semester.
Nate: Thank you for being the only one who will order coffee from Dunkin’ with me at 9 p.m. You’re going to kill it in Culture next year!!

Emily: First, I want to say thank you for being so patient with me while teaching me how to make illustrations and how to use Photoshop. It would have taken me forever to learn that on my own. I never would have even thought about becoming photo editor if it wasn’t for you. You were the one who made me believe in myself. Thank you for always pushing me to do better and for guiding me throughout these semesters. Your dedication to this paper and to the entire staff is incredibly admirable. You’re doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to see the work you do next semester and in the future. I am always proud of you.

Corey: You were the one who initially made me want to apply for an in-house position and for that I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for teaching me how to take proper sports photos and what ISO means. You have been the one person I really looked up to throughout my time at The D.O. and I could not have asked for anyone better. Thank you for always being so understanding and sweet. Thank you for always pushing me to do better, even as a contributing photographer. Thank you for giving me critiques and for making me want to do better. I’m really going to miss you next year but I know you’ll be doing great things. You’ve been like my D.O. mom. I love you and I hope I’ve made you proud.

Nabeeha: The work you do for The D.O. is astonishing. I am absolutely in love with all of your illustrations, but shoutout to the Ted Lasso one because that was beautiful. I still remember meeting you in the basement of the old D.O. house. Thank you for being my first real friend in house and for being one of the kindest people I have met. I’m glad we still text each other every time there’s a D.O. event to see if the other one is going. I hope that doesn’t change. I love you and I can’t wait to see what you do in the next few years.

Maya: Definitely one of the coolest people in house. Thank you for having good music taste — it really made playing music out loud enjoyable.

Shannon: You are one of the kindest souls I have ever encountered. I love how much you care about visuals and little things like which spoon to use when we were trying to figure out the designs for the soup story. That was one of the most fun projects I worked on this semester and I am so happy I got to do it with you. GOOD SOUP!

Wendy: You are one of the most talented photographers we have at the paper. Thank you for taking so many assignments this semester (especially the Student Association meetings) and for being so flexible. You did great work as an assistant photo editor but I know you said you want to focus on taking photos and I’m glad that’s what you’re doing. You have an amazing gift so don’t ever let that go. I am so proud of you.

Meghan: New photo editor!!! I cannot wait to see what you accomplish as photo editor next year. Thank you for putting up with Lucy and me for a whole semester, I know it wasn’t easy. I am confident that you will be amazing but if you ever need anything, I’ll always be a Slack message away. I’m so proud of how far you have come as a photographer. Please never stop taking photos. You’re going to kill it next semester!

Kylie: Thank you for driving me to The D.O. house for production all the time. Thank you for picking me up from random games I had to cover. Thank you for making me dinner when I didn’t have time because Sports has 13 stories and no photos have been prepped. Thank you for listening to me rant about mindless nonsense. I love you and I quite literally could not have done this without you.

Lucy: I don’t even know where to start with this one. It’s crazy to think we started working as contributing photographers together as freshman, we became assistants as sophomores, and we’re ending together as co-editors. I wouldn’t have wanted to do this job with anyone else. Thank you for picking up my slack (haha literally). Thank you for coming in house on days when I’m supposed to because you know I have to get up early for work the next morning. I’ve had so much fun doing this with you and honestly I’m so sad that it’s ending. Thank you for this entire journey, it wouldn’t have been the same without you. I love you so much. I’m going to miss you next semester.

Mom and Dad: Thank you for always supporting me and pushing me to do what I love. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

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