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Duck: Moriah Humiston

DO Podcast host | Spring 2020-Fall 2020; Podcast editor | Spring 2021-Fall 2021

Illustration by Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration editor

I have not written a single article for The Daily Orange. My four semesters here have been spent interviewing and listening to some of the most inspiring and driven people I have met at Syracuse for three different podcasts. I feel like I could make an individual podcast episode for how much every single person on this list means to me and it still wouldn’t feel like enough.

When I joined the podcast section as a sophomore, I thought I was just going to learn a little bit more about hosting a podcast. I did learn that, but I also learned more than I could imagine about news, culture, sports and the incredible team of people that make up The D.O. There aren’t enough jobs in the world where you’re able to listen to the passion and dedication reporters have for their own work. I will forever consider myself fortunate to have one of those jobs during my time here.

Thank you.

Emily B.: Minutes before I met you I was searching different schools to transfer to for sophomore year. After I met you I never made that Google search again. Thank you for being the first of many reasons why I stayed.

Luca: Honored to know a mailman AND a TED Talker. Thank you for all of your guidance and honesty about life post-grad and for keeping in touch!

Aro: I’m really glad I met you this semester. Thank you for making the sportscast so enjoyable. You really have a great sense of humor and a natural ability to be a podcast host. Just remember to bring a podcast mic, please.

Nick: You’re a natural leader and you don’t give yourself enough credit for how talented you are. I loved watching you flawlessly step into the role of an EP this semester. I’m excited to see where you take the sportscast next semester with your ideas. I know that it will be nothing but next level.

Lizzie: I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you for giving me a chance at being a host and having enough confidence in me to lead a section you put so much effort into. I hope I made you proud.

Abby Fritz: It was lovely meeting you in person this year and watching you grow over the past few semesters as a producer. Thank you for your hardwork and a lovely day in Thornden!

Harry: I knew when Ghael recommended you that I was getting nothing but the best. I wasn’t wrong. You are the future of this section, and I am so excited to see what you do.

Abby, Emily and Mandy: Some of my favorite nights this semester were coming to the house just to socialize. Thank you for being so welcoming and for giving me a home.

Casey and Emma: I didn’t mind the long Thursday meetings with you two. Thank you for caring about the podcast and for giving so much guidance and input along the way.

Chris, Maggie and Sarah: When the podcast was me sitting in my closet on Zoom calls trying to pull together episodes during the beginning of COVID, the interviews with the three of you always put a smile on my face. Thank you for always being on the pod and for being constant sources of inspiration.

Roshan: I’ll admit it, any sportscast with you is always my favorite! You’re one of the kindest people I’ve met during my time here. I’m looking forward to seeing what you accomplish with your talents as well as when you eventually host the sportscast someday (please).

Anthony: My biggest struggle this semester has been trying to act as a leader in two major news organizations on campus. There aren’t many people who can relate to being in that position, and oftentimes when I felt overwhelmed I would think about how you could handle anything with a positive attitude and confidence and try to do something similar. Thank you for your guidance and encouragement.

Louis and Chris: I’m really glad I became closer to you two this semester. Your articles have been some of my favorite to read during my time here, and I can’t wait to keep up with whatever you end up doing. Please expect to be invited to another date night.

KJ: When I think of people I wish I had met earlier on, you’re one of the first people that come to mind. Your confidence in me leading the podcast section helped me more than you know last year, and I really appreciated the semester we were able to spend working on podcasts together. Also, I still catch myself looking up at the balcony of your old apartment to wave to you.

Adam: From Billy Joel and puzzle nights to late Tuesday’s editing last minute versions of the pod, I’ve truly enjoyed every single moment with you these last few years. I never thought COM 100 would lead us here, but I’m really glad it did. I’m thrilled to have you just a few houses down next semester and to finish out my time with the podcast section with you.

Marnie: I can’t think of a better person to take over the podcast section. I remember listening to the first episode you hosted of the podcast and realizing just how much of an inspirational and talented person I was about to work with. Joking around with you and Adam last semester was my favorite thing about working here, and I’m glad we were able to celebrate our accomplishments (and your birthday) with you all the way across the country. Whatever you do with the podcast section next semester, I know that it will be great and I’m excited to tune in.

Margaritaville: Every day I count my blessings that my four other roommates are in other schools besides Newhouse. At the end of incredibly long days I’m so happy to come home to such a supportive group of friends. Thank you for watching and listening to everything I do and bringing a fresh perspective when I need it. Long live our late night podcasts.

Otto: My college experience would be nothing without you. You brought me out of my shell and taught me that actions truly speak louder than words. Your energy, creativity and the joy you bring to so many people is an inspiration for me. Thank you.

Mom and Dad: First, I don’t think I know anyone else that has listened to every single podcast episode and has given me honest feedback on each one. Second, as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized just how much you both have given up for me to pursue anything I put my mind to, and I could never thank you enough for it. Thank you for the tireless work you both have done. I hope that my decision to not be an engineer was somewhat worth it!

Ghael: “I never forgot you, ever. And I’m super glad we’re still friends.” It’s weird to think that at this time last year I just knew you as the person who started the podcast section. Now, not more than a day goes by without exchanging a series of funny texts, shared tweets, phone calls or walks down Stratford Street. I’m thankful that the last year has been filled with being able to ask you about any idea and know that you’ll have a solution or advice that will take anything above and beyond what I could imagine, even with Halloween costumes. I really don’t know what I’m going to do without you next semester (especially with 464), but I can’t wait to see what you accomplish. Come visit, and lunch date immediately after you come back for graduation.

Anna: I hope that when you clicked on this your first instinct was to scroll to the bottom to find your name. In life, people are lucky to have a best friend. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have an Anna Henderson in their lives like I am. Even from 3,400 miles away, you continue to be the closest person in my life and a role model. Anyone would be lucky to be half the person you are, and I can’t express how thankful I am for you constantly invading my personal life and pushing me to have more confidence in myself. I miss you being one “Crate Mile” away, and this semester has been lonelier without the constant CVS trips, DCOM nights and FaceTime calls from the same time zone. Thank you for being supportive with everything I do while also humbling me for being a BDJ major. It’s probably well deserved. Life is a lot better with you in it. I’ll see you soon.

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