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Duck: Anthony Alandt

Asst. copy editor | Spring 2021; Asst. digital editor | Fall 2021; Digital Managing Editor | Spring 2022

Illustration by Yiwei He | Illustration Editor

I know I’m a lot, and I’m not always perfect. Thank you all for dealing with me and sticking with me through this. I’m forever grateful to 230 Euclid and what y’all have done for a little dude from Cleveland, Ohio. Quack.

Siron: This job is so incredibly overwhelming, but there’s not a better person for the job than you. I knew you’d be the best because of how creative and hilarious your mind is. I’m too rigid as an editor, you’re going to be an insanely skilled DME. Always, ALWAYS ask questions when you don’t know something — I never figured that part out. When things get too much, take a breath and always know that you know what you’re doing. If s*** really goes wrong, I’m right down the road, and I’m more than happy to help you. I can’t wait to see where you take digital my guy.

Micaela: I’m never going to be able to put into writing what you mean to me. I thank God every day I went for DME and walked into the opinion room to ask what your deepest fear was. Each day is better than the last. You’ve made me an optimist and believe in things I never thought I’d believe in. Thank you for putting up with the late-night Facebook/newsletter scheduling, always being on my phone, asking for a ride at ungodly hours and so much more. I know I’m not perfect, but every day I’m so grateful you’re in my life. You are the kindest, cutest, funniest, most beautiful person in the world. Here’s to many more wine nights, late night McDonald’s trips and journeys home. I love you <3.

Connor: Having you as my roommate has been one of the best experiences of college. You’re hilarious to sit around and joke with and you always know how to help me get pumped up when I’m down. Thanks for keeping me in check and telling me it’s not that deep, I need that. I’m sorry for always coming home at the weirdest times. Booth 124 has seen a lot this year, but I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else. To many more “Loko” nights!

Richard Perrins: You’ve been an amazing friend, and while it sucks that you’re gonna be a big shot EIC now and can’t always chill, I know you’re going to do a fantastic job. If s*** hits the fan and you need someone, I’ve always gotchu. It’s been so fun to joke around, stay late at the house and drink a beer and act like absolute idiots together.

Abby: I think when I told you I’d be DME, you didn’t think I meant it. Welp, lol. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor and someone who I always know I could lean on or panic-call at any hour. Thank you for telling me any storm would pass, and for relishing with me when the sky was blue as hell. You’ve also kept me in check and told me when I’m wrong exactly when I need it, I can’t thank you enough for that. I’m incredibly fortunate to have you as a friend, mentor and former boss. You had my back, now damnit, I gotta have yours.

Maya: You are so good, so creative, so talented. It’s been so cool to watch you ball out and make graphics all year. What the f*** is this paper going to do without you. Don’t ever forget that so many people depend on you, even if you’re not working in house. My favorite part of the end of production became you sending me your favorite graphics. You’re amazing at so many things.

Emily, Mandy: Every time I thought I was the most dedicated person here, y’all would come in and blow me out of the water. I don’t know how you two got through this year or when y’all slept. Thank you for letting a chaotic sophomore dude into management and always bearing with me.

Roshan: You hired me bro. You showed me what this place is and all it has to offer. I’m forever in debt to you for that. You were a sick ass editor and I look up to you so much as a writer — even though your Harry’s dance moves need a lil’ bit of work. I could always count on you to tell me when I f***ed up and help me out.

KJ: There’s no reason a freshman running around with his head cut off should be friends with you. You are a titan of The D.O. and I cherish the simple fact that I know you. Thank you for the 3 a.m. conversations, helping me out and humbling me. I hope I made you proud, man. I take your word as absolute.

Crane: How’s a nerd like you also so easy to get along with? I literally can’t comprehend how good of a writer you are. Thank you so much for telling me to apply in-house and for always picking up my phone calls when I needed you. You’re a well of knowledge that I wish I dove deeper into. Please stick around man, I’m gonna need your brain and weird ass jokes.

Skyler: Yes, fine. Thank you for not giving me assistant sports editor. Skyler, you’re so kind, bubbly and energetic. I’m so happy you stuck around as sports editor, and I love your constant help and reassurance. If you didn’t YOLO, I sure as hell have. Keep in touch, I might be a snobby senior staffer, but I still have no idea what I’m doing.

Cirino: From WICE, softball, men’s soccer and WBB, it’s been incredible to share beats with you and have the ability to get to know you in the process. You’re a hilarious guy and an even better person. Gonna miss chatting about betting and your bomb ass ledes.

Anish: You’re as hilarious as you are talented. It’s been an amazing experience getting to know you and becoming friends. We’ve come a long way from puking and busting our heads at KJ’s … I think. Rave some time? I know you’re going to handle sports editor with the same creativity that you carry in your writing. If you need me, I’m always on speed dial, and 787 is always open for you. Friend?

Piggy: It’s been really fulfilling watching your skills grow this semester. You’ve made me laugh harder than most people, while also showing me that maybe I was teaching you something. Keep grinding my guy.

Hank: I could always trust you for anything man. D.O. work, advice or simply as someone to vent to about the job. You brightened my day even when it was going to s***, and could always read when I needed some help. I still don’t know how you maintain that optimistic, upbeat attitude each day, especially when I threw so much at you throughout the semester. Just know your work was more than appreciated by me. Don’t you dare ever lose that childlike spirit.

Morgan/Megan/Danny: Holy s***, y’all are so talented. Being DME flanked by the best designers in the country made my job so much easier. Morgan and Megan, I’m sorry for confusing y’all. Danny, I enjoy scaring you too much to apologize. Stay wicked and badass ladies.

Shannon: I hope you didn’t roll your eyes at my chaotic energy too much. Six semesters here is an insane feat, and you came out the other side as a vibrant person and terrific presentation director. Hope life is quieter without me lol.

Meghan: Thanks for always being my go-to INSTERGRAMER. You handled the photo section and everything else with such admirable ease. I promise I’ll never ask you to crop another photo again.

Maggie: Hi mom. I am so fortunate to know you. You’re probably the reason I survived freshman year and didn’t go off the grid last fall. I’ve appreciated your willingness to answer every call, no matter the time, and help me out with whatever the issue was. I really missed having you to lean on this semester, but I can’t wait to have you back in the fall. Thank you so much for teaching me about life, how to enjoy boba and keeping me in line when I f***ed up.

Mira: The fun aunt to Maggie’s stern motherness. Chilling with you is hilarious, and you match my energy better than most. I’m so fortunate you invited me to Hipp’s birthday party last year. What a journey it’s been since. Feeling emotional about journalism?

Sarah: To have someone as Italian around as me is amazing. I can’t wait to burn pasta and try out spaghetti recipes next year. Ciao!

Kyle: The drive you have is unmatched. I’ve never seen another reporter get into the weeds of data and information to ensure you’ve broken the most comprehensive story. Don’t forget to have fun next semester, leading a section can easily eat you up, but I know you are going to handle that chaos with skillful grace. I’m always around for SA coverage or a writeup ;).

Danny, Jana: You two are young and hungry — bursting with raw talent. This place is going to give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of if you allow it to. Stay engaged and continue to be a sponge around here. One piece of advice: it’s so easy to get burnt out. You guys are too talented for that to happen. It’s a marathon homies.

Julia, Rainu: You two are so curious and hilarious. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you both and can’t wait to see what y’all do with the opinion section in 2022-23. Laughter gets you a hell of a long way, but I need you guys to stick with it and don’t let life beat you down. I’m always a phone call away if it starts to.

Nate: I have no idea what you’re going to do when you graduate, but no matter what it is, you’re going to thrive. It’s been amazing to watch your Pushin P attitude carry you through your most difficult challenges. There’s no better personality and approach to life. Let’s get a beer some time.

Sophie Cohen, Anthony Bailey: You guys are so creative. Thank you for breaking through my rigid exterior to show me what digital can truly be. I’m so proud of how much both of you have grown this semester. Keep on going kids, future’s real damn bright.

Two Pump Tony: I miss you guys through college so much. I miss the endless summer nights drinking until we couldn’t stand, the sports games, constant jabs and raw moments. I’m so f***ing lucky to call each one of you my best friends. O-H!

NZS epA: I really never thought I’d gel with guys in college the way I have with y’all. I can’t tell you how fortunate I am to have y’all around. Thanks for listening to me b**** about The D.O., putting up with my insanity and welcoming me in. I promise I’ll be around so much more next year for more great content.

Mom: I love you so much. Thank you for allowing your first born kid to run off to Syracuse in pursuit of a dream. Thank you for not selling the house, keeping everyone together when life shattered and for finding the best step-dad ever. You’ve been my biggest supporter through all of this. Every day, I love telling you all the things I’m doing so I can make you proud. I hope I have. I promise I’ll pay attention to my classes more now.

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