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Duck: Matt Schneidman

Asst. Sports Copy Editor | Fall 2014; Asst. Sports Editor | Spring 2015-Fall 2015; Sports Editor | Spring 2016

My first “story” was a 250-word, one-source compilation of throw up on a keyboard about the club Frisbee team, and it was all one paragraph. David Wilson kindly told me to take a hike and try again, and I’m certainly glad I did. Almost three years later, I almost actually threw up on a humid flight from Dallas to LaGuardia returning from the Final Four because I was sitting in between two grown men, but I wouldn’t want any of the 521 bylines, countless road trips down the East coast or my four semesters in-house that happened in between to go away.

Mom and dad: I’m not sure if you actually read in full as many of my stories as you claimed, but I trust that you did because you’re my parents. My flights to the Final Four wouldn’t have been possible without you and I really appreciate the understanding when I had to dip out on school breaks to go cover a game, the tolerance when I stepped away from the dinner table to write a quick story or anything else you did to help cultivate my career in something that, at times, you didn’t understand. But that’s OK, because you’re my parents.

Jesse: I’ll never forget cowering in my dorm room freshman year, waiting for the call that would inevitably tell me to try again next semester for a copy editor spot. I still think it was an a**hole move to start the phone call off the way you did, but I’m forever grateful that you gave me a chance as a freshman even though (this isn’t a full confession) it said in Football Guide that Terrel Hunt had almost 6,000 passing yards in 2013. Thanks for being one of my closest friends at the paper and always giving me a standard to live up to.

Sam: If anything, our ability to discuss coverage topics got significantly better from our days on the Cape to sharing a court-level view of one of the most memorable comebacks in Syracuse basketball history. I still don’t know if you got a concussion from slamming your head in the 12th inning at Falmouth because you thought my sider idea was your gamer, but that’s beside the point. We had our differences, but hopefully some day we can pack Roy Reiss, Ian McIntyre and John Desko into the back seat of your car and all enjoy a nice 10-hour cough.

Phil: I wouldn’t be writing this duck right now if it weren’t for you. You sacrificed an in-house spot for a young, unproven writer in myself and that was really humbling for me. But my favorite Phil moment came when I messaged eight different people the same “inappropriate” phrase on your G-chat and you kicked me out of production in typical Phil fashion. A point toward the door, a soft “get out” and away I went.

Bailey: Thanks for that first back page story. We all know what it led to and that was pretty awesome in itself. You’ve been a mentor ever since I walked into 744 Ostrom Ave., and I’m looking forward to hopefully not always being second-best to you on the Syracuse football beat next year.

Grossman: Remember when you said the Nob Hill bus took us to the OnCenter? God bless Laura Devine for helping us with our first 200 words. I’m really looking forward to seeing Jim Boeheim slap that big notepad out of your hand next year and please just keep the web open so we can continue to post opponent previews. Can’t wait for your tweet schedules this summer.

Schwed: I’m really looking forward to what you do with the section next semester. All you need to do is stay awake and learn how to get rid of your narcolepsy. You’ve got a knack for staying on top of the little things unlike anyone I’ve seen while working at The D.O., and I can guarantee that will bode well for you in the fall.

Chris: I’ve never met anyone with as many big ideas as you. I know you’ll be able to execute them, as long as your phone stays charged and you don’t drop your computer on the ground or suffer from whatever technical malfunctions plagued you worse than that “lower-back injury” you had this semester.

Mara: There’s definitely nobody who’s said “Hey, Schneid” as high-pitched as you have, but that’s not a bad thing. Thanks for all your understanding through everything late this semester; though I wish I took you up on the offer for a courtesy Jimmy John’s once or twice.

Justin: If you pay me more then I might be able to afford bailing you out after the lewd acts charges. You did a great job tending to the faucet and the front bush, along with being the most detail-oriented and intelligent person who works at the paper. Have fun being a design editor next semester.

Jon: The most versatile product to come out of The D.O. that I’ve ever heard of. Glad you found a spot on the sports staff and can’t wait to cover Dino with you next year. God bless your soul for a third year living with someone who doesn’t sleep in a bed.

Liam: We’re getting that byline out of the way early so you can enjoy your senior year but still play in Media Cup. Let’s have it be a track staff report to go easy on you brother. Hope we stay in touch during our last go-around.

Fortier and Tomer: Thanks for being much better copy editors than I was and always asking if you can go get a box from Ernie. Sam, you’ll do some big things in L.A. next semester for The Ringer and Tomer, maybe you’ll finally learn what a necklaugh is and not ask to ask if you can ask a question.

Design: You’re welcome for making sports the best section to design in. Kiran, I’m sorry for all the jokingly mean things I said. Lucy, thank you for putting up with Chris. Emma, stop winning design of the week. Estella, let’s print by 8:00 p.m. Hank, the Kings start soon so let’s get moving and Colleen, I’m sorry we were so good that we made you leave.

Klinger: In five years time, maybe we’ll be covering something together.

Trevor: Thanks for picking up the slack at the start of the second half of Media Cup in 2015. Will never forget your conversation with Miselis about interviewing Chris McCullough. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder.

Audrey: The only benefit of you leaving was that I had a footrest every night this semester. Hope everything is well wherever you are.

Gutierrez and Byron: The young guns. Gutierrez, keep finding random foods to write about and working those unique angles for great midweeks. Byron, don’t include me on any tweet schedules in the future please, but I am looking forward to seeing you incorporate .gifs into the paper.

Jake, Josh, Antonis, Brendan and Mo: I’d bet my life that you guys read a combined zero articles of mine, but thank you for not moving my stuff out when it seemed as if I didn’t live at the apartment any more. I’ll be around next year to help clean, cook and show you I can wear matching socks.

Every D.O. family who housed me on road trips: Thank you for your hospitality and understanding why we were on our computers most of our stay.

Mark, Cohen, Thamel and Tyler: D.O. Alumni are part of what makes the paper the best. Thanks for your professional feedback and helping me become a better writer.

Jim Boeheim: See you in the classroom again next year.

David: I’m really proud that my little brother will be joining me at school next year. If you choose to write for The D.O., I’ll try and pull some strings for you.

And anyone that’s ever read my stories: Thank you for making me feel like what I do is worth something. Just hang with me for one more year.

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