Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Kiran Ramsey

Sydney March | Staff Illustrator

Design Editor | Fall 2015 – Spring 2016; Digital Design Editor | Fall 2016; Senior Design Editor | Spring 2017

When I applied to be a design editor, I didn’t know what a grid was or how to use InDesign. I didn’t know what RGB or CMYK stood for. I didn’t really even know what the position entailed. So I certainly didn’t know it was the best job you could possibly have at The Daily Orange.

The beauty of being a designer at The D.O. is the ability to get to know every single person in the house. You’re kind of a nomad. You don’t have your own permanent desk or a chair that everyone knows is yours. But somehow, you still belong in every room. Being a designer makes things like this a little bit harder, because every single person in the house has touched your life in some way. Thank you to everyone I have met over the last four semesters for welcoming me into this little house filled with so much love.

Chloe: Thank you for taking a chance on some weirdo who, in her interview, said her biggest flaw was time management. You still hired me to work at a newspaper on a deadline for some crazy reason. Thank you for your guidance and help, but for also allowing me the space to find my own style. During an interview I had this semester, I was asked: “What kind of leader are you?” I told them I didn’t know what kind of leader I was yet, but I knew what kind of leader I wanted to be. I just told them about you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are my inspiration!

Mara: You were the first person to be blunt and honest about my work. You probably don’t even remember it, but that moment at Sunday meeting is one I think about a lot. I’m sure everyone who worked on your staff can think of a moment like that when you challenged them to do better. You are an amazing leader and I will always look up to you.

Justin: I hope someday I love something as much as you love this paper. You are an incredible writer, but you are an even better leader. I can’t say for sure that I have “Moved the Rock” during my time here, but I know for a fact that you did. I will miss you and our climate change debates #BestFight2016 #ScienceIsNotDebatable. But let’s face it, you’ll miss Nathan more.

Alexa Díaz: You have a rare ability to make everyone in your presence feel at home. You are sweet and kind, but I don’t know a single person who would dare walk over you. I respect that. Thank you for catapulting my short-lived journalism career. That Earth Day article in Leaf Magazine was the only clip I could submit when I applied to The D.O, so I have you to thank for it all.

Kat: Thank you for patiently teaching me to use Illustrator and for not laughing when I told you I wanted to win a news design award like you someday. Your confidence, honesty and self-love inspire me.

Archie: I wanted to be your friend the first time I met you. You are bold and beautiful and free and talented and kind. Never apologize for who you are because people like me wish they were a lot more like you.

Ben Farr: I can’t help but smile every time I see you, Ben. You are the nicest person I know. Sorry I gave you so much sh*t. It’s only ‘cause I love you.

Schweddy: You are always pushing everyone around you to do their absolute best. You have high standards for yourself and it shows in your work. I will miss talking girls with you and dancing to Taylor Swift at Chucks. I hope you’ll still gchat me when you’re rich and famous. Or better yet, just come visit Ramsey Ramsey.

Connor: Everyone knew Sports was my favorite section to design in my first semester. You were a big reason for that. Thank you for making my first Secret Santa week a living hell. Seriously, there should be more guys like you in the world.

Clare: I wish I had met you sooner, Clare. I could have used all the extra hugs and advice, but I’m just grateful that I did meet you. There aren’t many people who can do more than one thing well. You are one of them. Your words move me, and so do your designs. Let’s squeeze a few more hugs in before you graduate.

Colleen: Colleen!!! Though our time together at The D.O. was short, I cherished every minute of it. I have always looked up to you and I always will. I wish you all the happiness in the world and the best of luck after graduation, but you definitely don’t need it. Thanks for being my designer twin.

Emma: When I think of you, I think of Franzia and your Zoey 101 Halloween costume. That’s a good thing. I am envious of your rock-star life and immense talent. I couldn’t have imagined anyone better to pass the digital design baton to. Even though you’re a great designer, that is clearly not your only talent and I’m glad you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. You’re gonna kill it.

Lucy: You are the kindest soul I’ve ever met. You are talented, gracious, beautiful and somehow incredibly humble after all of that. I wish more than anything that we could have an entire year to be roommates — drinking wine and baking cookies and watching every Bridget Jones movie ever made. But we’ll just have to cram all of that into one semester. Please wait until the spring to binge the newest season of “Jane the Virgin” with me. I’ll be waiting at your door with a Modern Malt milkshake.

Rachel Sandler: You defined my Fall 2016 semester at The D.O. When I think back to our web team days, I think about listening to Lady Gaga with you, talking politics and laughing at Byron (we love you, Byron). You have big goals for this paper, but you also have the talent to accomplish every one of them.

Chris: You don’t want to be like the other guys you know. But I don’t think you ever could have been. The Chris I know doesn’t know how to be anything but respectful, kind and humble. I have you to thank for a lot of what I’ve accomplished over the last semester. You gave me the confidence to put myself out there and taught me to value my own work. I hope you remember to take your own advice and always know how truly valuable you are — as a writer and as a friend. You always took a minute (or an hour) to come down to web and lend me an ear. I will always take the time to do the same. I’m pretty sure I don’t have the power to do this, but I hereby declare you an Honorary Member of Web Team Fall 2016.

Tomer: You are the closest friend I have made at this paper. You might not know that. You are the epitome of self-deprecation, so I am 100 percent sure that you definitely do not know that. And though you won’t believe me, you have filled my days at The D.O. with more laughs than I can count and I am so lucky to call you my friend. Don’t forget me when you’re working at Purell.

Jacob: I would never ever want to do college over again. But if I had to, I would go back to GRA 217 and sit next to you and Alexa and laugh at all the Chodes of the world. A lot of people credit you for getting them hired. I’m just another one of them. But meeting you really changed my life, and I would be remiss to not thank you for that. You are creative and full of brilliant, innovative ideas. I hope you find a place that will embrace each and every one of them. Your voice should be heard in this world. I can’t wait to share this new experience together during our senior year.

Nathan: My first night at The D.O., the campus went on lockdown and the newsroom went into a frenzy. That was also the night of our third date. Sorry I was two hours late. You stuck around, even though our dates just got later and later each semester. Thank you for supporting me, for allowing me to put my work first when necessary and for staying up to say goodnight.

Mom & Dad: Dad, thanks for reading The D.O. and being more excited about my accomplishments than anyone, including me. Mom, thanks for being my soul sister and believing I can do absolutely anything in the world. I can’t pretend to know every sacrifice you’ve both made for me, but I am grateful for each and every one of them.


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