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Duck: Michael Burke

Sydney March | Staff Illustrator

Asst. News Editor | Spring 2016-Fall 2016; News Editor | Spring 2017

There are no words to describe my time working at The Daily Orange, because there are no words to describe The Daily Orange. It’s just special, and what makes it special are the people who spend way more time working at a college newspaper than is healthy.

To anyone I couldn’t squeeze into this, I’m sorry.

Justin: Applying for the SA beat was the best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you for bringing me into News and making me feel wanted. I respect the hell out of you for the things you’ve done for this paper, and I’ve always appreciated that you’ve shown me the same respect even though we see and approach things differently sometimes. Thanks for being the mentor I always needed, even if it wasn’t the one I always wanted.

Jesse: I still remember coming to the Sports office one of the first nights of my freshman year and wanting to ultimately do what you were doing. That didn’t quite work out, but you took me under your wing anyway and I’m not sure where I’d be without that. You’ve given me so much valuable advice and help, and you’ve been an even better friend.

Brett: My biggest regret at The D.O. is not getting involved with News earlier, because it meant I never got to work with you. But I’m glad we’ve become friends despite that. Your perspective on things is always refreshing. Let’s get Taco Bell soon.

Sam Blum: I’m sorry for leaving Sports, but not really. Thanks for not holding that against me, though, and always being a good person to talk to. You’re a genuinely good friend and you’ve got a big heart.

Satoshi: I’m as proud of you as I am of anyone here. You’ve come really far as a reporter despite some unbelievable obstacles, and you’re only going to get better. Keep putting your heart into it and you’ll reap the benefits.

Delaney: It was awesome to have you back in News this semester. You made the newsroom a fun place to be, and you’ve flourished as a writer and reporter. And if there’s anything I can respect in someone, it’s authenticity, which you embody.

Ogozalek: It’s easy to forget you’re a freshman, because you jumped in this semester and became one of the most valuable assets at the paper. Keep taking the hard stories, because not many people can deliver on those. You can.

Haley: There isn’t anyone I enjoyed working with as much as you. I admire you so much for not allowing The D.O. to consume your life, yet still being one of the best workers here. If more people approached things like you do, the paper would be better for it.

Taylor: You’re as reliable and as organized as anyone I’ve ever met, and those traits are going to take you far. It’s been awesome watching you grow from the SUNY-ESF beat to one of the best reporters at the paper. Stay incredible.

To the entire News staff: Remember that news is about telling the truth. So keep it real. Take chances and opportunities when you get them. You’ll regret when you don’t.

Mara: As a newbie in house, I didn’t completely understand your job last spring. I definitely didn’t grasp just how crucial of a period it was for the paper. But I always knew that you were the right person to be in charge, because you exemplified what it meant to be a leader.

Chloe: For someone so talented, it’s incredible how relatable you are. You’re a terrific person. I’m still waiting on that Taco Bell three-way.

Schwed: Nobody works harder than you do, even if you fall asleep too much. That’s why you’re the man.

Connor: You’re very rational, which I’ve always appreciated and learned from. Thanks for always reminding me that none of this is too serious.

Gedetsis: Your willingness to go against the grain and try new things is admirable and will take you far.

Emma: I never really understood how talented you were until you designed in News this semester. You’ll be a great digital editor.

Fortier: You’re a great writer, and I can’t wait to see what you do next. Thanks for setting the bar that I’m always trying to reach.

Jon: You’re beyond brilliant. You’re great in so many different areas, and you’re going to do big things. Just don’t be so critical of yourself.

Chris: We might disagree on rap music, but I’m glad we can see eye-to-eye on things that matter. Thanks for being a really good friend.

Guti: I’ve never been as sure of someone’s looming success as I am of yours. You’ve done some really impressive things, but you’ve only scratched the surface.

Sandler: I was pretty bummed when you went to web. Beyond being the life of News, you were one of the best pure editors I worked with. But I’m happy you found a perfect role for you.

Alexa Diaz: As news editor, few things drove me as much as my desire to not disappoint you. If I ever made your job more difficult, just know that I was always coming from the heart. Your passion is unmatched and, because of that, the paper is in great hands. Just don’t forget that this is college.

Clare: I don’t know that it gets recognized, but you are the MVP and the heart of The Daily Orange. You handled tough decisions better than most people ever could. Anyone who works here should strive to be like you.

Tomer: From women’s soccer to being head editors together, it’s been quite the ride. Working with you this semester was a blast. I’m sorry they lured you back in, but let’s still play some 2K next year. I’ll make sure I’m free before 8:30.

Lucy: It’s been a privilege to work with you. You did some really cool sh*t this semester, and I’m glad I was able help with some of it. When you finally realize how gifted you are, you’re going to be unstoppable.

Sara: I never imagined I’d pass the torch right back to you, but I couldn’t be happier to do so. Whenever stuff gets stressful next semester, just remember that nobody has sacrificed more for this paper than you.

Torrens: Whatever success I’ve had here, I owe largely to you. Thanks for putting your trust in me last spring and creating the perfect work environment. If you run the day-to-day operations like you ran that newsroom, you will be the perfect ME. Just don’t forget your long-term goals, because your career will be with you long after The D.O. is.

Ali: I can’t tell you how lucky I am to have met you. It’s pretty incredible how close we’ve become in such a short time. Good thing I walked up to you on the Quad that day, huh? There’s a lot I could say here, but above all else, thanks for being my best friend. I’m sorry we only got to work in house together two semesters, but you’re going to do awesome things at The D.O. and it’ll be exciting as hell to watch.

Bush and Putnam: There were moments when I considered working another semester or two in house, but the time I spend with you guys is all the evidence I need to know I’m making the right decision. You’re the best friends I’ve ever had. Let’s go have a senior year.

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