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Duck: Casey Russell

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator

Asst. Feature Editor | Fall 2016; Feature Editor | Spring 2017; Head Illustrator | Fall 2017

I always sob during “Wagon Wheel.” Even when I was transitioning for the first time, I was ugly-crying to “Wagon Wheel” in Annie Palmer’s living room. To be clear: I knew a solid three people there. Part of it is because we used to play that song at summer camp as well, but mainly my watery antics are for the very cheesiness of the whole thing.

The Daily Orange has given me way more than I ever asked for. Some of those unexpected things were dropped A1s, but the biggest unexpected thing was finding a second family. I feel that bond every time we sway in that dumb circle to that dumb song. I’m soft, apparently.

The people in this newspaper/frat/cult (whatever you want to call it) have supported me through my absolute highs and lows. This institution and you all mean as much to me as my first-edition Harry Potter books, and that’s saying something.

If you don’t see your name below, know that I have been honored to work with you and that you’re a shining star.

Rachel: Thanks for whipping my ass into shape last fall. Thanks for making me a better writer, for putting up with my rants and breakdowns, for co-hosting “Casey and Rachel Eat Weird Sh*t” and for being a great friend…BOTCH!

Alexa: Thanks for being there for me and supporting me as feature editor when I felt like no one else was. Thanks for giving your all to each and every day you walk through that red door.

Justin: Thanks for sending me to the Paul McCartney press conference even though my presence was definitely superfluous. And also, thanks for everything you gave to The D.O. I one day aspire to have your storytelling ability, both on the page and in friendly conversation.

Divya, Caroline, Emera: Thank you for making everything happen, and thank you for buying into Pulp. I still think about how lucky and grateful I am to have had you guys and Stacy and Joe on my team. You’re all going to do great things.

Jenny: Can I just say, I really love that you’re just a younger, less obnoxious version of me. Narcissism aside, writers like you are the reason The D.O. exists. So, thanks for being game and willing to learn. And for being a dope person.

Connor: Thanks for writing that UFO story. And all the other ones, too. You made life in Pulp a lot easier last spring, and we all appreciated you being there.

Lucy: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make money from art. Thanks for giving me my dream. yee

Kathryn: Things are the way they are, but that doesn’t change the fact that you and I share some great memories and that you’re the reason I’m here. Thanks.

Lizzie: You’re also a large reason I am here. Thanks for being a great editor and pushing me to write more.

Ali: You are so good at what you do and on top of that, you’re the sweetest human alive. Don’t ever let go of your youthful energy.

Satoshi: You are the most journo person I know. And as dedicated and as passionate as you are, I want you to know that you’re going to be just fine in the real world. Allow yourself to decompress because you deserve it.

Tomer: *takes drag* Pass your grandmother her Lucky Strikes! For real though, you’re one of the realest of dudes and I’m so happy I got to know you better last spring.

Sandler: Just know that I still get the One Million Moms newsletter because of you. I have no plans to unsubscribe.

Graham: Your genuine “good guy” nature alone will take you places. Please continue to participate in illicit activities with the aid of fresh produce. (Just so I can get a good laugh out of it).

Clare: Thanks for everything you gave to The D.O. and to Pulp. You’re a great friend of mine. Thanks for seeing potential in me.

Jacob: I really look up to you.

Torrens: Sheen! You’re going to do great things. But when you get sick of that, roll through to the Syracuse University Bookstore, grab one of those Pure Life iced teas and a Panera cwoissant, and we’ll catch up over the “important videos” playlist on YouTube.

Guti: What’s up, stud? Thanks for being you. You rock.

Ally: Remember that one time in Rachel’s apartment when Jacob introduced us because we were both newbies? And remember that one time (ha, like there was only one) we scrambled to get photos for that backup-for-the-backup A1? Remember that one time we were literal inches away from Rob Thomas? And remember that one time we walked into the most beautiful house ever after a 12-hour drive and there was a Hogwarts feast waiting for us? Ah, memories. You’re an incredible human and your work-hard, play-kind-of-hard attitude is so refreshing. I’ve loved every second of being your ~pal~ and hope to be for years to come. When these ducks come out, imagine how much more intense that “we made it” hug is going to be. I’m bouta be so sloppy!

Stacy: You’re going to be one of those D.O. alumni future staffers are intimidated by because you’re that good. When I’m old, I’ll be thinking of all our South bus talks and all the times we giggled about weird shit Joe said at production (lol sorry, Joe). Thanks for the thousandth time for making my life less miserable as my assistant. Thanks not giving a flying duck about eating half a cake at 2 am after that bus ride. For that matter, thanks for letting me sleep in your bed. Thanks for being a dank friend.

Megi: Thanks for bringing me to frats and watching “New Girl” with me because without those days, I would have been too stressed to function. Thanks for telling me to go for it on Halloween. I finally did!

Yonah: Thanks for FaceTiming me during production even when I said I was busy.

Bev, Bob, G-ma and G-pa: Thanks for calling me during production even when I said I was busy.

Freeds: Hello, Mr. Poops! My smol boi!

Cindy & Mark: Thanks for reminding me to put this whole D.O. thing in perspective.

Joe: Anything I could write here we’ve probably already said to each other a thousand times. I will say this: I am indebted to The D.O. for so many wonderful things, but the most wonderful of those things by far is you. Thank you for everything you have given and continue to give me. Go Dennison! I love you.

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