Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Rachel Sandler

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator

Asst. News Editor | Fall 2015-Spring 2016; Asst. News Digital Editor | Fall 2016; Digital Editor | Spring 2017; Asst. News Digital Editor | Fall 2017

Everyone remembers walking into 744 Ostrom Ave. during production for the first time. You see all the moving parts — what everyone does on a nightly basis —  but you’re not sure how all the pieces fit together to make a paper.

It was overwhelming, to say the least. But I knew I wanted to be part of it.

Applying to work in house was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I’ve made in college. Those who know me know that I rarely cry (except when I’m watching “Shark Tank”). But two paragraphs into this thing and I’m already crying. Everyone at The D.O. means so much to me. And I know my college experience wouldn’t be the same without you guys. I love you all.

Justin Mattingly: We joke a lot about the first rally we covered together, but at the time, I remember thinking it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I never thought I’d work in house. But you saw something in me and convinced me to apply, even though it was after the deadline. I am so incredibly grateful to have worked with you and to call you a friend. Oh, and thanks for driving me home/buying me ginger ale that one time when I had food poisoning during production.

Sara Swann: I don’t even know where to begin. We started off working together my first semester in house and since then, our friendship has only grown. You’re one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I’ve ever met. I am so lucky to have met you.

Alexa Torrens: Remember when we first covered Mayfest together? We talked to a guy who would only refer to himself as the “Lord of the Wind,” and when we bonded over the ridiculousness of the day, I knew we would be friends. Our respective paths at The D.O. have diverged since we first worked in News together, but now, you’ve become a fast-food-eating powerhouse of an editor. If I need a lawyer in a few years, you’ll be the first person I call.

Emma Comtois: Some of my favorite memories at The D.O. involve us sitting in the Digital room together laughing about who knows what. I’m so sad we won’t be able to share anymore Kentucky pies at Faculty together, but just know that spending time with you in Digital is one of the reasons I came in four nights this semester instead of two. Digital is in great hands.

Lucy Naland: OK *tongue roll* RRRRR. You are so incredibly talented and funny and I’m so happy we got closer this semester. No matter what you do — designing pages or ads — you’re going to kill it. Keep eating those Hot Cheetos and pour one out for Big Ang.

Andy Mendes: We share a love for reality television, pop music and gossip. But more than that, you’re one of my best friends at The D.O. I am so grateful that we’ve shared so much together. Snapchat is thriving under you. I can’t wait to see how it only grows from here. And seriously, let’s start that podcast.

Michael Burke: You’re one of the best reporters and editors I’ve ever worked with. Both editing and being edited by you only made me better. I know someday you’re going to break a huge story. -Most delightfully, LT.

Satoshi Sugiyama: I’ve seen you grown so much since we started working in house together. Keep being your amazing self. You’re one heck of a reporter.

Jacob Gedetsis: You helped make Digital what it is today. The section is growing, and that wouldn’t be happening without you.

Ali Harford: You are a ray of sunshine. I always love when you come down and hang in Digital. The D.O. is lucky to have you as PD.

Haley Kim: I’m going to miss talking to you about Korean media and the Queen of Pop™ Carly Rae Jepsen.

Taylor Watson: I think about your PUP food every day.

Kiran Ramsey: I am so upset I won’t be able to work with you again. I loved talking about technology and seeing you create some mind-blowing UX/UI designs. Girls Night won’t be the same without both of us there.

Alexa Díaz: Working under you has truly been an honor. You are one of the sweetest, most hardworking and fearless people I know. Keep making The D.O. a warm and inclusive place.

Tomer Langer: We have to go to more bowling alleys with bars in them. Shalom.

Caroline Colvin: Judging from your Instagram, you seem to be having a great time in London. But I miss you here and I’m so upset we won’t be here and queer™ together.

Delaney Van Wey: You’re a firecracker and a great reporter.

Anna Merod: I’m so glad we got to know each other better last semester and that you decided to return in house. If you’re ever up here again, let’s go to Gannon’s when it’s open.

Brigid Kennedy: My day gets better whenever I see you. I don’t think we’ve ever had a conversation that hasn’t ended with us laughing hysterically. I can’t wait to see you make it as a big-shot producer or screenwriter. LET’S MAKE A DAY OF IT.

Rori Sachs: You are truly a D.O. icon. I’ll miss spending D.O. parties together talking and laughing about everything and anything. I’m so bummed I won’t get to work in house while you’re in Digital.

Sam OG: You’re a freaking star and you’re a better reporter than I am. Take care of yourself, you’re going to make a great news editor.

Ali Linan: My University Lectures queen! Keep up the great work in New Mexico. I miss you up here.

Talia Trackim: You’re the sweetest. Keep up the great work.

Katie Czerwinski: Getting to know you this semester has been a delight. I always smile when we talk about how Giovanni scammed you on Animal Crossing, your growing Redbubble business and RA horror stories. As the esteemed Tim Gunn would say: Make it work.

Stacy Fernández: I’ve seen you grow so much since you started off as a staff writer in News. You care so deeply about people, and you’re a great reporter. I can’t wait to see where you end up.

Kathryn Krawczyk: If I ever acquire a squash, I’ll call you. You’re hilarious, a great writer and always find top-notch memes. Good luck with everything *wink* next semester.

Rachel Gilbert: Let’s hop in a Subaru because we’re both looking very Shane today. But seriously, you’re one of my favorite people. No matter where you end up, we somehow have to find a way to watch “The L Word” reboot together.

Casey Russell: Keep doing art and finding dank memes.

Amanda Caffey: I’m so glad we hired you because under your leadership, video at The D.O. has never been better. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and I’m so glad I danced at OttoTHON.

Divya Murthy: Working with you was a pleasure. You’re one of the best headline writers I’ve ever seen.

Lizzie Michael: It’s not a party if we’re not both there.

Mara Corbett: I still remember and appreciate you inviting me over to make sure I was OK after the off-campus shooting. It meant and still means a lot to me. Thank you.

Annie Palmer: The entire time I’ve worked at The D.O. I’ve always looked up to you. Thank you for hosting the best parties and sitting with me for a few hours reading that Snapchat story from a few years ago.

Chris Libonati: I don’t think I’ve ever become as close with a person in such a short amount time. Maybe it was the hours-long talks or all the rides you gave me. Thank you for your help with everything. And thank you for listening. You’re going to do a great at

Clare Ramirez: There wasn’t a week that went by this semester when I didn’t think about how much I missed you. You’re so smart and talented, and I wish we could have spent more time getting closer when you were here. Let’s go out in D.C.

Allison, Hannah, Sara, Soleil: You guys put up with my crazy D.O. hours and still somehow stayed friends with me. I love you all.

Mom and Hannah: Thank you for everything.

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