Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Taylor Watson

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Asst. Copy Editor | Fall 2016-Spring 2017; Asst. Feature Editor | Spring 2018

As an eager freshman, I accidently showed up to The Daily Orange Open House a day early. But from the moment I set foot in 744, I knew that was where I wanted to be. Joining The D.O. was by far one of the best decisions I’ve made at SU, and I will forever be grateful for this paper.

I was stressed, lost sleep and didn’t have much free time, but I gained so much more — memories, experience, a family. It’s the people that make everything worthwhile. Working with you all has changed my life for the better. I’m so proud to be a part of Daily Orange University.

Justin: When I first came to The D.O., you were news editor, and I thought that was the coolest thing. Then you said hi to me in Newhouse, and I was cool by association. I’m so happy I was able to experience The D.O. with you as a leader. You have taught me so much about journalism and life, and I am so grateful. Go team.

Delaney: I will forever be mad that spring ‘17 was robbed from us because of the WiFi. Delaney, you are a light in everyone’s life.

Kiran:I’m so happy we were on a soccer team in Italy together. You are such a kind soul and destined to do cool things. Have fun in Washington!

Anna/Katie/Kevin: Your creativity and talent is incredible. Your kindness and humor are even better.

Digital: Y’all are wild, and your antics liven up the house. Keep pushing the paper forward.

Amy/Casey/Kateri/Maddie/Talia: Every night of work was made better by having you guys around.

Sam Fortier: You are such a cool and talented human being. I’m happy that I get to brag that I beat you in the half marathon. I’ll let you know how potato growing season goes.

Kathryn: My first copy chief — if anyone can write a fire headline, it’s you.

Ali: The paper couldn’t be in better hands next semester. If we’re ever in Boulder at the same time again, let’s hang out.

Graham: I’m honored to have shared a byline with you.

Kai: You make everyone smile, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard you complain. :Kai react:

Haley Robertson: You are a gem, so hardworking and hilarious. Your sweet soul will take you far.

Sandhya: We both made that News to Pulp jump. You are a queen. Your kindness and amazing fashion sense don’t go unnoticed.

Lydia: I’ll miss our talks about health. You will be a great head ed — I’m excited to see what Pulp does next semester.

Caroline Bartholomew: Own the Dome seems like it was so long ago. Who knew we’d end up at 744 together? May we continue to hold each other in the light.

Caroline Colvin: Lambreth Ladies 4ever. I am so happy we were roomies this semester and got to spill all of the magazine tea and persevere through blown fuses, scary knocks at the door and the occasional ant. You are brilliant and creative. I’ll miss having you around next year.

Kennedy: We’ve come a long way from making terrible videos in COM 117. Your presence makes the house a better place. Have the best time in Florence.

Tomer: No one can help but smile when you’re around. You’re the epitome of a wonderful human being. Raindrop forever.

Clare: The meme keyboard was never on my side when I was Slacking you. I’ll never forget rapping Eminem in front of the whole staff, thanks to you. I miss you.

Michael Burke: I learned a lot from you — about journalism, Taylor Swift and conspiracy theories. Wherever life takes you, I’m sure you’ll be successful.

Alexa Díaz: I admire you, and you inspire me to be a better journalist and a better person. This paper couldn’t have asked for a better leader.

Alexa Torrens: My first-ever read at The D.O. was with you on a SUNY-ESF story. I’ve been learning from you ever since then. I admire your leadership skills and humor.

Sam OG: I remember when I first heard about the famous Sam Ogozalek. You are an incredible journalist, and it’s been amazing to watch you grow. The paper is better for having you around. Let’s go hiking this summer.

Sara Swann: I remember the phone call that brought me in house. I remember finding out that your mom is Lynn Swann and listening to you wonder who your Secret Santa was when it was me. Thanks for being an integral part of my time at The D.O.

Colleen: It seems like we’ve known each other forever. Thanks for being Pulp’s fearless leader and sensing when I was stressed out. And weirdly touching my arm. Same wave forever.

Satoshi: I am so happy you ballet-twirled your way into my life. Satosh, you are such a passionate journalist, a loyal friend and the only reason I know who Julie Pace is. I’m so excited to see what you’ll accomplish, and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

Wind & Fire: We bonded on those walks home from transition. We dressed as fruits for Halloween. We trudged through a snowstorm to take salsa lessons. I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for your friendship, support and advice. I love you both dearly and cannot wait for an Earth, Wind and Fire reunion.

Stacy: You really are human sunshine. There is no one I’d rather teach to drive, look for housing in Buffalo or climb trees in Rochester with. I can’t wait until we are reunited so someone starts calling me Tay Tay again.

HK: The News Queens. I’m so glad this crazy ride brought us together, from copy editing on election night, strutting like we meant it in Barcelona, singing the wrong lyrics at the top of our lungs in the Buick to having dance parties on a snow day. I’m honored to have people accidentally call me Haley.

Tori: Thanks for hanging out with me and dealing with my BS. You’ll always be my favorite sister.

Mom & Dad: Thank you for everything. For calming me in moments of stress. For reading all of my stories. I love you and wouldn’t be where I am without your support.

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