Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Haley Kim

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Asst. Copy Editor | Fall 2016-Spring 2017; Digital Copy Chief | Spring 2018

My journey at The Daily Orange was as unexpected as they come, but I wouldn’t change a second of it. Being surrounded by such a talented, hardworking and dedicated group of people for three semesters has inspired me to strive to be better as both a journalist and a person. Every night of production was worth it, in every regard.

Justin: I will always look up to your leadership — first in News and then in management. Thanks for making a contributing writer feel very important on her first story.

Alexa Díaz: I’m glad I found a friend who is as obsessed with skincare and makeup as much as me. But more importantly, your grace and genuineness as a leader will always be an inspiration. It’s been incredible working under your guidance in management for all my semesters.  

Alexa Torrens: Sitting in management more often this semester was a great decision, because otherwise I would have never known about your deep appreciation for fanfiction and throwback movie music. I admire your drive so much.

Sara: Bonding over London and young adult novels has been so much fun, and you’re such an easy person to talk to and so understanding. I’ll always be thankful you asked me to apply to work in house.

Rachel: Our conversations about pop music — especially Queen Carly Rae — and Korean media were straight blessings. We’ll have to meet up sometime when I’m back in the Bay.

Delaney: I’m so sad we only worked in house together for one semester because I truly loved seeing you on a regular basis. Our long discussions about beauty YouTubers and Game of Thrones will always be some of my favorites.

Sam OG: Hey Sam, how are you doing? I never doubted that you would be doing big things at The D.O., and your growth has been so exciting to watch. Please remember to eat, and don’t think I won’t be checking your meal counts next year.

Jordan: I wouldn’t have wanted to cover #acorngate with anyone else — thank you for being such a reliable beat partner and niche meme connoisseur. You’re going to be a great news editor.

Kathryn: We’ve come full circle copy-wise. Oxford commas didn’t know what was coming for them.

Sandhya & Haley: I see a little bit of myself in both of you, and I’m so excited to see your next steps at The D.O. I’ll always be here to answer questions.

Copy team: Copy is tough and sometimes underappreciated, but you all took it in stride. You’re rockstars.

Kai: That one night we talked about music in Visuals was so great — every time I listen to Glass Animals I think of you.

Ali: Your bubbly personality is infectious, and you’ll be amazing in management next year.

Kevin: Please don’t forget your No. 1 Fan! I love your digital designs (and of course the Keds campaign).

Digital team: This team produces such cool content and always seems to have the most fun — I’m jealous.

Amy, Casey, Kateri, Talia, Maddie: All of you are so special, and it was a joy getting to know you a little bit.

Chris Libonati: Your edits on my stories still remain some of the most helpful I’ve ever received. I’ve gotten so much insight from your perspective and advice on writing.

Guti: The Whitman/Newhouse dual is tough, and you continue to impress me with how hard you grind. You’re so talented, and I know you’ll be going far.

Tomer: Every time I see you I’m always happier. Despite what you might think, you’re such a wonderful person to be around, and hearing your laugh is something I’ll miss.

Sam Fortier: Sitting in your car while you were driving in Skaneateles was both thrilling and terrifying. Thank you for always being there, for advice of all kinds.

Lucy: Room 240 was only a few years ago, and while a lot has changed, you’re still one of the nicest and most gifted people I’ve met here. I can’t wait to keep seeing the amazing work you do.

Colleen: Being in a room with you is always so much fun. Every throwback hit you blasted was appreciated. We’ll get around to making those Tasty Video treats next year, I promise.

Clare: You’re the older sister I never had. Thanks for letting me pester you with questions on everything London- and D.O.-related. We need another trip to Destiny, and I’ll make sure we get on the right bus this time.

Caroline Colvin: Girl, you’re the first person I think of when I hear the word “radiance.” Exploring London, singing the praises of Hayley Kiyoko and getting outfit advice were moments I’ll always cherish. Every conversation with you makes my day just a little bit brighter.

Satoshi: Our friendship has been through a lot, but I hope you know I value your presence in my life so much. Even if we don’t talk every day, I won’t forget all our conversations about everything from ramen to identity. Your level of dedication to journalism is admirable. Don’t doubt your worth, because you’re important to more people than you’ll ever know.

Burke: Out of everyone, you’re the one person I never expected to get close to. I’m honored to have copy read the work of such a talented reporter. You still remain a bit of a mystery to me, but thanks for showing me how to think deeper about journalism and life. Play it by ear?

Earth and Fire: I really can’t imagine my life without the two of you. You both are two of the most caring, funny and magnetic people I know, and all the hours of real talk and spilled tea mean everything to me. I’m counting down the days until the elements are reunited.

Stacy: The first time I met you, I’m pretty sure I complimented you for your backpack. Your vibrancy and self-confidence in everything you do is something I admire so much. I can’t wait for us to wear grandma slippers and eat more of your Red Lobster biscuits next year.

Taylor: Covering Mayfest was the best thing to happen to our friendship, because you’ve been my partner in crime ever since. I’m beyond grateful for all the times you’ve had my back. We’re so similar it’s kind of scary, and I’m going to miss living within seven seconds of you so much.

Mom & Dad: You might not have totally understood my work at The D.O., but thanks for always supporting me, regardless. I’m so blessed you have been there, ready to lend an ear, for all my indecisive moments. Love you.

Spams of Sumner: I hope you’re ready to be permanently bloated from all the Hot Cheetos, kimchi and boba we’re consuming next year.

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