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Duck: Andrew Graham

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Asst. Copy Editor | Spring 2017; Asst. Sports Editor | Fall 2017; Sports Editor | Spring 2018

Writing this now, so early, feels almost wrong.

I’m just a sophomore. I turned 20 fewer than two months ago, and for the past five months I’ve had the pleasure of serving as sports editor at The Daily Orange.

I knew I wanted to write at The D.O., and hoped that one day I could sit in the sports editor chair. I just didn’t imagine that time coming so soon. I can’t say I was as ready as others, which is why I’m writing this: to thank all the people who kept us afloat.

There’s too many of you to thank here, but you’re all appreciated.

Schaf: Boy, this was tricky. I’m not sure why, though. You’re a great editor, an adept thinker and perpetually keeping me from doing something stupid. You were always the voice of reason, and we’re all better for that. I feel confident passing the sports editor’s chair to you because I know you’ll make the right call, and we’ll all be so much better for it. Bleu Monkey happy hour soon?

Big Bill: You’ve been my beat partner for what seems like years because, well, it has been. From Triscuits and tennis to Q and memes, you’ve been there. You’re one of the most dedicated people I’ve met, and that will take you far — further than Ann Arbor, even. You’re a great writer and beat partner, and yes, an even better friend.

Michael Michael Jordan: You are the greatest do-everything Swiss Army knife of an assistant I could ask for. From pitching graphics, writing, posting and keeping the digital world in order, you saved me more times than I can count. Your constant laughs, accompanied with the steady “whump” of the basketball being passed around, will be one of the things I miss most about working in house.

EB & Kaci: Homies! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Copy editing is truly the most grueling and under-appreciated job any of us have done or will do, and you both were present, on it and indispensable. You both brought something new to 744 Ostrom in your first semesters in house, and I’m sure there will be many more to come. If either of you need anything, you know where to find me.

Tomer: I promise this’ll get RT’d. You took a chance on me, hiring some overeager freshman to be on your staff. I don’t know if I will ever fully appreciate how big that decision was for me, and I hope our time in house together (s/o fall 2018) will always be remembered fondly. Let’s just hope those Molly Hendrick photos come in sometime soon.

Sam4tr: I think my strongest 4TR memory is when I pitched a Georgia Tech snowbeat and my first round was crap. I repitched, with admittedly still crap pitches, and you told me something I’ll never forget: We’re at The D.O., above all else, to write. I have never forgotten that. I hope this can go some distance in thanking you for making me a better editor, writer, boss, friend and person. People and words.

Guti: Some days you confuse me, McGuts. You can flip from total goofball to consummate professional just by picking up the phone. But I do know this: You’re one of the most dogged reporters I’ve worked with. Having you as a senior staff writer has been a blessing, both for my budget, and more importantly, anyone who reads your work. Tennis staff reports?

DiSturco: Where do I begin, my Frank-Sinatra-singing, gabagool-loving, Rutgers-lacrosse-hyping friend? When Tomer hired us as copy editors, I didn’t really know who you were, and you probably thought I was some hardo freshman. (I was.) But I quickly learned you are one of the funniest and most clever people I’ve ever met. From toasting me in FIFA to your #frat stories, our days at The D.O. together are some of the fondest. Just don’t juul in the house.

Nick: From dissecting Wright Thompson on Ted Williams to debating what writer we’d want to profile who, I know one thing for certain about you: You’re an avid writer, perhaps more than anyone I know. You’re dedicated, critical and passionate, with the talent to carry you to heights you might not even know yet. Oh, and Dellin Betances totally hit James McCann intentionally.

Sports staff: You’re the ones who made this all happen, really, and I can’t be thankful to all of you enough for the stories you wrote and the reporting you did. You guys are the reason the in-house staff has something to do when we come to work. Thank you.

Harford: O wat the… you know the rest. You’re like if someone bottled a supernova and meted out the energy in doses. I’ll miss yelling from Sports to Visuals and critiquing your front-of-book teases, but most of all, I’ll miss your infectious energy and stupid jokes. You’re a dynamo, and will be a stellar managing editor.

Kai: Henlo, friend. You’ve been a treat to work with. You have a good eye for photos and always had my back in a pinch. You and your staff have taken some truly great photos that we’ve been lucky to showcase on the back page. I’ll go update the bus now.

OG: Sup, chief? I remember meeting you at an ice hockey game in October 2016. Feels like ages. Since, you’ve become an impressive, thorough and relentless reporter. You’re going to take this paper to places we’ve all wanted it to go. And more importantly, you’ve become a dear friend. Let’s talk about tutoring some time.

Kelsey: I’ll miss sitting in Op, bumping the music of the day while you’re clearly trying to write edit board. For some reason, we clicked immediately. It’s weird to think we just met a few months ago, but nice to know you’ll be a lifelong friend.

Colleen: I’m sorry to say I didn’t really get to know you well when you were digital copy chief. You were just in email chains. I’m glad I didn’t miss my second chance to get to know you. You’re the life of the party, endlessly realistic and yet funnily optimistic. Let’s get the head eds together for dinner again.

Spring 2018 head eds: -.– . .- …. / … — / .– . / –. — – / – …. . / .- .—-

The Alexas: You guys have been endlessly supportive of D.O. Sports’ enterprises (and shortcomings) this semester. I couldn’t have asked for a more constructive, reassuring and whip-smart duo to guide a young staff (and me) through the semester.

Schwed, Jon & Chris: I remember emailing Schwed the summer before I got to SU, and he replied within hours. Knowing him now, he must’ve been so psyched a random freshman emailed him to join his staff. But you three gave me a shot on ice hockey, and I haven’t looked back.

Mom, Dad, Sarah & John: Not a day goes by where my appreciation for the four of you doesn’t grow. (Yes, even you, John.) Mom and Dad, you’re the most intelligent, caring and supportive parents I could ever dream of. Sarah, your random smartass texts keep me grounded. John, you’re straight barracuda. Much love for all of you. Give Duke a scratch for me.

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