Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Danny Emerman

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I never struggle with word counts, so this is a first for me. 

Crane: You’re the hardest-working person I’ve ever met. It’s absurd and almost to a fault. This semester, it quickly became clear that I wouldn’t be able to teach you much in terms of journalism, so I hope you picked up a few things “off the field.” Definitely memorize those Mario lyrics. They’ll come in handy someday. In the meantime, I’m certain The D.O.’s in good hands. Just live a little, kid. Beers on me when the Bills win the AFC East.

KJ: Suh, dude? Your life’s weird, so I don’t know where you’re reading this right now, but I want you to know that I’m super lucky to have you as one of my best friends. 

You like to think of that time I invited you to Faegan’s with my dad as when we became friends. I know it was long before that. Probably when we were talking NBA or something. Doesn’t matter. 

Through everything, you’ve always been so supportive and helpful as my editor, my senior staffer and my boy. 

Mitch: Mitchy Mac Pitch. Mitchy B Reads. Mitchy Mistakes. Mitchy Tearing Up As He Reads This. I’m so glad we had you in-house last semester. You were a huge help and brought great ideas. You’re a great writer, and I can’t wait to read you in the real world. Say hello to the wife for me, eh?

Haley: This year, you dealt with more day-to-day bullsh*t than I previously thought existed. It’s bananas how underappreciated it can go. You took it all like a champ and always had an answer. You’ve become one of my closest friends. Didn’t expect that when I took the job, but I also didn’t anticipate such levels of steez. Now we’ll finally get to enjoy those D.O. Fridays.

Leff: You taking your senior year to be ME was bold, and you killed it. And you didn’t take any sh*t in the process. I sure hope you and Haley aren’t the last bright, flexible, understanding, fair, compassionate and legendary editors I have. What you guys did this year was incredible, and, of course, strictly business. 

Casey and Emma: You’ve got big shoes to fill, and I know you’ll do great. You’re both ready for this. I’d bet Dabbundo’s life on it. 

Dabbundo: Working with you was one of my favorite parts of the fall. Can’t wait to be on not one but TWO (shocking that) beats with you next year. 

Hillman: Every time Crane tells me he misses Ange, I think of you (happens more than you’d think). Shout-out the UConn trip and your photog skills. You’re a firework.

Roshan: You’re already a stud, and you’re just scratching the surface of what you can do. If you ever need girl advice, let me know. 

Gaurav: You’re already a really, really good reporter, whether you realize it or not. You were a great asset to have in-house this semester, and I hope you continue to grind like I know you can.

Tim: We might not agree on everything, but I love debating with you (sometimes). One thing’s clear: your work ethic is undeniable. That’ll take you wherever you want to go.

Josh: Remember when we met at Kubal after I didn’t get asst. copy? Feels like ages ago. Who knows where I’d be now if you didn’t feel like meeting me for coffee that day. Thank you for that, thank you for being one of the first people at The D.O. who really believed in me, and thank you for being a great friend. I’ll always look up to you, as a writer and a person. I wish we had more time to hang, but hey, that’s life. 

4tr: For my first ever read, I met you in Mike’s 744 office, and you told me you’d worked for The Ringer. It was that exact moment that I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. You’ve always been such a great inspiration and an even better guy. 

Guti: I’ll never forget driving 14 hours to OSU to go see about a girl (that’s a story for another day, kids). Your guidance during and after you were at school has been so huge for me, you have no idea.

OG: I think it’s hilarious that you think I’m cool. Ironic, even. I don’t do anything cool. I don’t write a FOIL a day. I don’t volunteer to help and teach the entire staff about reporting. I don’t run toward news when we get strange tips (except that one time, when I did with you). I don’t investigate life-or-death issues. That’s what I think is cool. That’s why you’re the man. 

Talia: You once asked me if we’re still going to be friends after we duck. Come on, now. That’s ludicrous. I don’t think I’ve ever met a nicer human. You’re so talented and incredibly humble. I loved every second of working with you, and can’t wait for plenty of kickbacks.

Schneid: I’m glad I got to be a part of your best D.O. roadtrip. It was pretty awesome. Keep in touch. I mean it, legend. 

Nick, Michael: I’ve learned so much from both of you. You’re two of the most talented reporters and editors I know. So I tried to teach you both one thing this semester. If you don’t know what it is, then I failed. I’m excited to see the damage you do in the real world. 

Billy, Graham, Liberman: You probably don’t remember this, but one of my first stories was about field hockey. I went to ops as a baby reporter. You guys drove me back to campus, and taught me not to say “we” when referring to SU Athletics. Big lesson.

Skyler, Allie, Cameron, Will, Eli: I believe in each and every one of you. It’s been so awesome seeing you grow this year. Y’all got next. 

Gabe: You don’t burn, bro. Rocket power, baby.

214 Clarendon: My boys. I’m so glad KJ brought us all together. We’re real bros. Truly. 

‘It’s Cool to Be Nice,’ Poop, Ben, Aidan, Yanay, Tome, Connor and AEPi: I love you all very much. You’re my biggest fans. Knowing you’re always there for me — with or without a loaded Rona — kept me sane. I’ll have way more time to hang/chill/visit/talk now, I promise. 

Mom, Dad, Sam (and Mookie): Love you so much. Thank you for all your support. KJ says you’re the best parents ever, and I wholeheartedly agree times 100. 

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