Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Casey Tissue

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

The brilliance of The Daily Orange is in the people who make it up:

Anna: My duck would be tragically incomplete without a shout-out to you! I owe you a big thank you because you’re the one who informed me about the asst. video editor position in the first place! Thanks for showing me the ropes and providing wonderful advice, insight and examples of quality storytelling. 

Camryn: What a year it’s been! I’ve enjoyed working alongside you ever since our start at The D.O., even when we had to figure out how to make drinks and snacks for Snapchat! You’re talented in your field and an amazing human being. I wish you the best for the rest of your time at ‘Cuse and beyond!

Rachel: I’m so happy you joined the team this semester, and I’m so sad our time working together got cut short! Your creative eye, kindness and dependability inspire me. I hope you enjoyed your time at The D.O., and I look forward to seeing the incredible work you do in the future!

Haley & Leffert: Thank you for welcoming me to The D.O. family so warmly! You’ve led The D.O. with such wisdom, thoughtfulness, care, resilience and professionalism. Your ability to value and encourage others inspires me and has most definitely left a positive impact.

Amy: Once you were a Digital Czar and now you are the Pulp Czar. I don’t know what kind of czar you’ll be next, but I do know you’ll be amazing at it. Thank you for your kindness and for being so open to collaborate with me! You’re an inspiration.

Casey: It’s been such a pleasure both working and sharing a name with you! Your legacy will last forever, because AutoFill will always suggest “Casey Darnell” when I type my own name into an online form. 

Emma: Your professionalism and dedication inspire me. You coordinate so many compelling and important stories with such excellence and organization. It’s been great working with you this semester!

Casey & Emma: Shoutout for your incredible work in leading News through this eventful year! The D.O.’s future is in good hands. 

Corey: Your photography skills blow my mind. This year, you’ve created stunning works of art (your photos) every day while leading a large team of photographers, and I think that’s incredible. The D.O. would not be the same without you!

Brittany: You are a lovely human being. I enjoyed our time as headeds together and am thankful for your stops by the Digital Corner. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! I’m going to miss you, and I hope we can hang out if you stop by for a visit!

Danny: Thanks for being such an awesome collaborator and helping come up with innovative ideas for videos! I enjoyed learning more about the Sports section by working on projects with you and your team. 

Talia: You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met. You’re also one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. Your design sense amazes me. Thanks for letting me hang in Visuals, the most zen but also most lit room of them all.

Nick: Way to jump into The D.O. experience so early in your college career! Your dedication toward and care for the Op section are consistently evident. I wish you the best leading Op next year.

Lizzie Kauma: My Digital Corner buddy! You’re immensely talented and just an all-around wonderful person. I admire your friendliness and wisdom about life n’at, ya know? Can’t wait until we can hang aht dahntahn someday!

Elizabeth Billman: Your photos are beautiful and tell amazing stories. You’re also so professional and organized. I enjoyed hanging out with you in Visuals this semester!

Sarah Lee: I’m glad we got the opportunity to meet and work on some projects together this semester. Thanks for helping out with Video! I’m grateful for your kindness and inspired by your talent.

Mandy: You are so genuinely kind and amazingly talented. I loved working with you on the drum circle story. Your ability to capture the event so vividly and thoughtfully left me in awe. 

Emily: You are one of those people who feels like a friend from the moment you start talking to them. I can’t wait to pull up my Instagram feed in the coming years and see more of your amazing photos!

Rori: I’m so glad I got the chance to meet you! You’re a joy to be around, and it was a pleasure working with you on your amazing documentary. And thank you for the epic Nutmobile footage!

Kaci: Thank you for the excellent videos you produced this semester! I admire your distinct stylistic choices and vision for your stories. You’re also so chill to work with and fun to talk to.

Kevin: Thanks for being so welcoming during my first semester in Digital! You and Amy did incredible work, including those super fun snaps. 

Sydney: Thank you so much for that epic Zipcar journey to Hope Cafe! I enjoyed getting to know you and am impressed by the excellent work you’re doing so early in your college career. 

Susan: It was great to meet and talk with you at the beginning of this semester! You jumped right into The D.O. community and created some really cool content.

Austin: I cannot thank you enough for checking literally every single video title, description and transcription! Video couldn’t have survived without you.  

The Digital Corner: I spent more hours with you than anywhere else. I’ll miss your emerald green cushions, creepy wall lamps and venetian blinds — so cinematic. You have no door, but you will always have a special place in my heart. 

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