Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Tyler Youngman

Archivist | Fall 2018-Spring 2021

Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor

This might sound cliché, but I owe thanks to every single person who has ever worked at the DO. To the past, present and future staffers. Without you, there would be no archive, and I would be jobless. I am forever indebted to The D.O. and am beyond grateful to have found my way into the 117-year history of this paper.

Bridget: You are the reason I joined The D.O. I mentioned in passing that I had an interest in SU history and archival work, and you immediately put me in contact with The D.O. I never imagined I would work for a newspaper in college, let alone in an archive. The five minutes that you took to reach out changed the trajectory of my professional career and academic studies. I don’t have enough words to express how thankful I am for your kindness, compassion and mentorship. This would not have been possible without you.

Sam: Before you gave me a tour of the “morgue” at 744 in September of 2018, you told me, “You’re going to love our collection. It’s fascinating.” That was an understatement. We met the challenges of archival management head-on, and our collaborations provided some much-needed support to the collection. No number of bees could stop us from working in the “morgue.” Thank you for placing your trust in me.

Haley: I am beyond lucky to have worked with you during your tenure as EIC. Your continued support of the mission of the archives provided some much-needed stability to a collection that had to undertake its most strenuous relocation in 117 years. This was a daunting task that most career archivists never experience … and we made it look easy! Your leadership and love of this paper continues to inspire my work.

Maeve: How did we end up here from IST101? I truly believe we owe our incredible friendship in part to The D.O. This place was a sanctuary to us when we needed it the most, in addition to being a great conversation starter when people asked, “What organizations are iSchool students involved in?” You were a wonderful companion when we had to move all those newspaper boxes … we used so much packing tape, didn’t we!? You have always taken an interest in the archives, and I can’t thank you enough for listening to all my rants about collection management. You are one of my best friends, and I am so grateful that The D.O. brought us closer together.

Richard: How many hours did we spend packing boxes and shuffling through papers? Seriously, I’m so glad you took an interest in this collection. I have enjoyed our deep conversations about the history of the paper and what it means to engage with such a priceless collection. You sacrificed your time to work in the “morgue” with me, and I certainly could not have managed preparing for the move without you.

Mackenzie: I fondly remember our time spent in HNR 100. Who could have imagined this is where we would end up 4 years later? I am so proud of all that you have accomplished! Seeing a familiar face at work made The D.O. feel like a second home to me. Your spontaneous visits to the “morgue” also helped me keep the archives in an orderly condition.

Casey and Emma: Thank you both for your unwavering leadership. Know that the archive will reflect your efforts long after we depart from The D.O. and that the future of The D.O. shines brighter because of you!

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