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Duck: Adam McCaffery

Sportscast Host Spring '24 | Asst. Sports Digital Editor Fall '21

Flynn Ledoux | Illustration Editor

I took a break from the Daily Orange junior year, but something unexplainable about this paper made it too hard to stay away. Kind of crazy that I’m writing one of these, but it wouldn’t feel right leaving Syracuse and The D.O. without sending my thanks to those who have helped me tremendously. In a Bill Raferty voice… onions!!!

Cole Bambini: You’re a conscientious worker, but more importantly a great friend. Our friendship resume is a unique one, from traveling to Santiago, covering the same beats at The D.O., and being tour guides together. If it weren’t for you, I might not have stayed as connected to this paper, so thanks for keeping me updated while I was abroad. Felicitaciones por tu trabajo nuevo con los Leones, amigo.

Tyler Schiff: If Santiago taught me anything, it’s that I would’ve had so much fun working in house with you. We never connected at the same time, yet you still are one of my best friends from the D.O. which says something. It was satisfying leading the Hacks to a Media Cup W with you— we had to go out on that note. Also, be ready for a barrage of texts about Ace, Dylan, and a Rutgers Final Four run next year.

Hank O’Brien: Hank Nation! You’re the easiest person to talk to about anything and I had a great Chili’s date post Sportscast. I miss our coverages together too, and don’t let me forget I still owe you for Primanti’s— maybe come to Jersey for a slice. Btw, have you watched Arlington Road yet?

Anish Vasudevan: I met you the first day on campus freshman year and you had already started writing for The D.O. Your dedication to the paper is second to none and I’m glad we had those early moments of soccer coverage and working in-house together. Best of luck at ESPN.

Connor Smith: Besides being an extremely talented writer and editor, I think you have one of the best senses of humor around. It’s rare I can get sarcastic about something and have someone match the tone, but you can. I’m glad we got to work in-house together and wish I had considered doing it again more when you were the Sports Editor.

Alex Cirino: Is it really a Daily Orange function without Alex Cirino??? You’re taking a road less traveled, but it’s the one I’m most excited to see. If you ever end up running your own restaurant, you have to hang up a picture of you and me like Adrian does in her restaurant with Rocky and Apollo Creed.

Anthony Alandt: I never really was in the house at the same time as you because we were opposite days, but I’m glad we still got to be friends. Rumor also has it that some might call us the Kobe and Shaq of Sports Assistant Digital Editors.

Mark Nash: The unsung hero of The D.O. I always enjoyed our run ins and can’t wait to see what you do in the coming years.

Skyler, KJ, Roshan, Crane, Abby: Although I never spent too much time around you guys because of COVID and being an underclassmen, your actions and words sold me on this paper, which helped me make lifelong friends. For that, I can’t thank you enough.

Zak, Coop, Timmy, Justin, Aido, Kev, Nick: I never thought I’d care about the future of The D.O. after I graduated, but seeing you guys run the show makes me proud to work for this paper. It also made it easier to keep coming around the house. Keep up the good work fellas, you all have extremely bright futures ahead of you. I’m entrusting the future of Media Cup dominance to you too.

Ryan Lindblom: Abroad wasn’t the easiest adjustment for me. I was coming off a rough semester and didn’t know many people going into it. However, I lucked out because we got along so well and could laugh about anything together. Egregious.

Chuck: My day one guy. It’s been great seeing you accomplish what you came here to do with WAER. We’ve gotten into a bunch of shenanigans and found a good group of guys to share the memories with along the way.

Luke: Who, me? Pft, nothing. Just hangin’ around. Seriously though, you somehow convinced the anxious, uptight person in me to relax in college. You might be the happiest guy I’ve ever met, and it’s infectious to those around you. Never stop ruling.

Bolt: It’s not an easy thing to be from another country and go to an American college, but you embrace it, which rules. Your texts also never fail to make me laugh, you have quite the unique style.

Ari: You’re a kind, caring person and I’m glad we’ve stayed such strong friends throughout college. From the little moments in Day Hall, to catching you in the Amalfi Coast unexpectedly, to having every class together, I didn’t realize it, but it quietly made college a lot better.

Schade, JP: Living together this year has been great. I was a bit nervous because I was never too close to either of you prior, but there’s never a dull day in the 517. The moments where it’s just you guys, me and JJ hashing on the couch before the night begins, in my opinion, actually beat the night out.

JJ: It all started with that Brady-to-Edelman connection on the quad one of the first days of college. I knew we’d be best friends since that moment, and from there we’ve had too many fun, crazy, and meaningful moments to count. There’s no one better to hash with, and it’s one of the things I’ll miss most about college.

Mom, Dad, Ryan, Griffin, Charlotte: I really can never thank you guys enough because you were a constant in an ever changing four years. It was hard to get used to college at first, and a lot of the reason was because I left you guys— but I think that’s a good thing.

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